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WE ARE ON VACATION FROM FR. JULY 12 TO SUN. 4 AUGUST. YOU CAN JUST ORDER, FROM AUGUST 5 WE START PRODUCTION AGAIN *** Check out the 'New' category under 'Collections' for the latest additions *** Under 'Information' you will find everything you need to know about ordering your kitchen backsplash ***

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Info about
 12 juni 2019

heat resistant plate kitchen

A heat-resistant plate for your kitchen is a perfect addition to the interior. It not only looks fantastic but it is also very practical. The plate is easy to clean, is heat-resistant and can be personalized with any imaginable print.

A heat-resistant rear wall of Pimp Your Kitchen is the perfect addition to your kitchen. The plate has absolutely no problems with heat from pans, a hob or splashing fat. In fact, a heat-resistant plate passes through a 200-degree Celsius oven during the production process. So it can withstand a little heat!

Fire is hot

At Pimp Your Kitchen we have set one of our panels on fire to demonstrate that our kitchen back and splash walls are really heat resistant. Below is the video proof. Watch the video below!

Heat resistant plate behind stove or hob

Such a kitchen plate can therefore be mounted perfectly behind the stove. All our supplied materials can withstand this heat, but the most heat-resistant is our Pimp Superior material. This is because it consists of a 2 mm thick sheet of aluminum, which in itself is a very fire-resistant material.

Of course, fire safety is not the only advantage.

Our collection of heat-resistant rear walls

At Pimp Your Kitchen we have a wide collection of photos, so you can make your heat-resistant plate entirely to your wishes. You can also submit your own photo. Take a look at our webshop to see if there is a good choice for you too!

A photo on your back wall not for you?

No problem. Our collection has recently been expanded with colours, so even if you just want a sleek, white kitchen back wall you can simply order it from us. All other colours are of course also possible. Take a look at our colour collection.

Concrete, wood or marble look?

Maybe you prefer a natural looking material, such as wood, concrete or marble! We can have these materials appear very naturally on our rear walls.

For example, wood is not nearly as heat resistant as aluminum and generally a poor choice as a kitchen back wall. Just think of the fire hazard!

By choosing a wood look from our collection you retain all the benefits of a kitchen wall from Pimp Your Kitchen, while still getting the fantastic look that you were looking for!

We have called this collection 'Rustic looks'. In the collection we offer various wood looks, concrete looks and marble looks. Certainly worth viewing and considering!

On our inspiration page you can find a nice article about this, in which we give a little more explanation about the material looks.
