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WE ARE ON VACATION FROM FR. JULY 12 TO SUN. 4 AUGUST. YOU CAN JUST ORDER, FROM AUGUST 5 WE START PRODUCTION AGAIN *** Check out the 'New' category under 'Collections' for the latest additions *** Under 'Information' you will find everything you need to know about ordering your kitchen backsplash ***

€ 0,00

Your own kitchen splashback

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true at Pimp Your Kitchen! A good photograph can make all the difference in your home, especially when it's placed at an unexpected place! That's why we tried to come up with the most unexpected place you would ever find a picture. Right above your counter top! The best thing is, the pictures double as a splashback. You'll notice that one of our splashbacks becomes an inmediate eyecatcher in your kitchen. Everyone will notice it as soon as they step into the kitchen. 



Images that make you happy

Most of our photos were made by John Kraft, a professional photographer that went to all the corners of the world to make pictures of our beautiful planet. 10 Years ago he founded Pimp Your Kitchen. Our collection contains more than just landscape pictures, there are pictures of food, cities, animals, art and much more! With our high quality images you are sure to to bring a fantastic product into your home.

Ofcourse you can also use the photographs you made yourself or found on the internet! We make custom designs with whatever you like! Not a creative person? No problem! We can help you with every step along the way, it's very simple. Sending us an e-mail will start you off nicely.

The Pimp Your Kitchen team

At Pimp Your Kitchen we work together to make the most beautiful wall panels. Your first contact is usually with one of our designers, they will help to make the perfect kitchen splashback for you! If you're not sure what looks best in your home? Send us a photo of the kitchen and we will design what we think works great. The rest of the team consists of a small group of professionals that work together to make sure you can take dellivery of your splashback as soon as possible. Quality checks between every step of the production proces ensure a high quality result.