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WE ARE ON VACATION FROM FR. JULY 12 TO SUN. 4 AUGUST. YOU CAN JUST ORDER, FROM AUGUST 5 WE START PRODUCTION AGAIN *** Check out the 'New' category under 'Collections' for the latest additions *** Under 'Information' you will find everything you need to know about ordering your kitchen backsplash ***

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 13 juni 2019

A Personalized Kitchen Wall In Your House

Take a look at your kitchen. What do you notice? Probably not your kitchen wall above the counter. What does it look like for you?

Nothing special?

It could be! It should be! A kitchen should be a warm place in the house. So-called live-in-kitchens are really the trend of the moment, yet for many people the kitchen is still mainly furnished in a practical way. A cold room. You don't often see a painting hanging in somebody's kitchen.

You may think: yes, well, there are kitchen cabinets high and low, how much space do you really have for art and nice decoration in your kitchen?

You are right, there is not much space. Except for your kitchen wall. The wall between your upper cabinets and the counter. How did you use that space?

I'm guessing it's mostly functional. Maybe there are tiles, but it is probably a wall painted in one colour with nothing else done. That's okay. In fact, that's perfect. You now have the chance to mount a beautiful, personal kitchen wallpanel from Pimp Your Kitchen there!

The Wall In your Kitchen

Anything and everything can be depicted on a kitchen wallpanel. We have a large collection of beautiful photos ourselves, but your own photos can also be displayed in the kitchen.
This way you can use your favorite holiday photos or photos of your grandchildren, of your pets, of anything you want.

What does that look like? Well, for example:

Of course, not only photos are possible. If you can design well or if you are creative, we can decorate the panels with whatever you made. In top quality of course.
In our collection there are already different patterns, tile motifs, material looks, colours, graphics, pen stripes and even famous paintings.

This means that if you can come up with it, we can print it on your kitchen wall.

Inspiration For Your Kitchen

On our inspiration page you can find many examples of our kitchen walls in people's homes. One of those kitchens is the kitchen of Tineke and Ad, thanks to the help of their creative daughter they have a fantastic design of their own in the kitchen!

We think it looks great.

Another great idea we like is a stylish creation of your favorite recipe on the wall, complete with photos of ingredients! We have written a nice article about it and added some beautiful pictures that you can find on our inspiration page!

A Wallpanel Of Pimp Your Kitchen Is Perfect For any Kitchen

Now that you know that there are many options with regard to the decoration of your kitchen, you probably want one for yourself. Yet, you still might have doubts.

You may now think: "yes, it certainly looks nice, but I still have some questions."
For instance:

"How easy is it to clean the kitchen wallpanel?"
"Is the kitchen wall resistant to the heat of the cooker?"
"And against water?"

All very good questions and good of you to think about these things. In short the answers are: "very easy", "yes" and "yes".

On our website there is a list with frequently asked questions. There we provide answers to all the questions you could possibly have. You can find that page under the customer service button.

In addition, we have also written a nice blog entitled "Everything you need to know about kitchen splashbacks". A very nice article with some nice videos in there. Definitely worth reading.

Now Your Own Kitchen Wall

The kitchen wall is very easy to order through our website. In our collection you first choose the photo that you like and in the configurator you simply enter the sizes you want. Your photo is then ready for you.

Prefer to use your own photo? Then click on "Create" and follow the steps until you can upload your own photo.
You will also find handy explanation videos that help you go through the configurator and measure your kitchen.

Are you stuck? Then you can always email Jolien by sending an email to info@pimpyourkitchen.nl. She will gladly help you and together you will certainly achieve a fantastic result.

Go to our collection to find your own kitchen wall!
