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 12 juni 2019

Aluminium splashback kitchen

Do you also increasingly see photos of aluminum rear walls in the kitchen? Maybe you yourself know someone who already has such a beautiful back wall in the kitchen.
It is also not surprising that we are seeing it more often. An aluminum back wall in your kitchen is the solution to all the problems that come with tiles. It looks beautiful and is super functional!

Why an aluminum kitchen back wall is ideal for your kitchen

There are many different reasons why an aluminum wall in the kitchen is so sought after. These reasons can be divided into two categories.

1. You think it looks great
2. It is handy / functional

Below are the two categories written out for you.

It looks great

Whatever your taste, an aluminum back wall always looks the way you want. It is possible to have every imaginable image, text, photo, pattern, whatever you want, on the wall.
We do this with a special process that guarantees super high quality. Beautiful colours and sharp lines. This is possible in matte or glossy. Whatever you like most.

It is handy / functional

If you think: “yes, it's very beautiful. But people, we are talking about a kitchen back wall. That must be able to withstand heat, water, splashing fat and therefore also be easy to clean!” Then you are right.

It's nice that it looks good, but is it also handy?

Yes. It certainly is!

A number of advantages are described in an article called "Everything you need to know about a kitchen back wall".

In short, you can assume that the aluminum wall panels are perfectly resistant to heat and water. In addition, they are super easy to clean. Below are two videos that show that perfectly.

Do you already know which aluminum kitchen back wall you want?

You can find beautiful images in our collection. You can choose one from there or submit a photo or design yourself.

Do you prefer a real aluminum kitchen look? That is also possible! Send an email to info@pimpyourkitchen.nl and let Jolien know your wishes. She is happy to help you.
