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WE ARE ON VACATION FROM FR. JULY 12 TO SUN. 4 AUGUST. YOU CAN JUST ORDER, FROM AUGUST 5 WE START PRODUCTION AGAIN *** Check out the 'New' category under 'Collections' for the latest additions *** Under 'Information' you will find everything you need to know about ordering your kitchen backsplash ***

€ 0,00

Stock photos on your splashback

At Pimp Your Kitchen we have an extensive collection of photos, all idealy suited to be used on wall panels up to 4 meters long or longer. But sometimes you just want something different. Perhaps something that perfectly matches the rest of your interior or a picture of your favourite holliday destination. A stock photo can be a great option in those situations. They often have beautiful images available! But before you plan an evening of searching for photos, it is good to know how this works.

Most pictures on the internet come with copyrights, this means you can't just use these images without permission from the owner. On a photo stock website it is possible to buy the images and the right to use them in order to create a splashback with them. At Pimp Your Kitchen we recommend  iStockShutterstock and AdobeStockan image only costs 1 credit (€ 9.68) to 3 credits (€ 29.04).

Should i buy these images from the start? Of every stock photo there is a downloadable 'example image', often with a watermark in it. You can use this free example picture to design a splashback in our product configurator. Only when you're completely satisfied, we will buy your preferred stock photo for you! This gets rid of the watermark and makes your photo chosen photo ready to use. 

Is a stock photo always suitable to use? Our guideline states a minimal resolution of3350 pixels per 100 cm, so if your wall panel is to be 300 cm wide, you'll need an image of around 10.000 pixels. The stock photo website will always state the resolution for each image. If you still have doubts after checking this, you can always e-mail us. We'll check the image for you. 

Please note! Sometimes the stock photos can only be used for editoral articals. We use the pictures creatively. This means those pictures cannot be used by us. This is always stated on the stock photo website and should be checked before continuation of the process.

Silva and her partner chose to use an image of Shutterstock, with these fish we were able to design a nice kitchen splashback, just for them.

"Dear Pimp Your Kitchen, the splashback was delivered last friday. I wasn't home for the weekend but my boyfriend installed it while I was gone. When I came home on sunday there was a nice suprise waiting for me! We are verry happy with the result, it looks so pretty! Amazing quality, sharp lines and beautiful material. Thanks a lot for the beautiful design, the help and the amazing result. Warm Greetings, Sylvia"

I found an image I like, what now? Decide you want to design something yourself in our product configurator or if you want us to make you a design. Both options are simple, follow these steps and you'll have a custom kitchen splashback in no-time!

- Save the example picture from the stock website or note the number and website name.

- Continue to our product configurator or e-mail us the information we would need to make you a design. This includes all dimensions, cutouts, your example picture and all other wishes you might have.

- You will receive a design and a quotation from us as soon as possible. If you've used the configurator this will be instantaneous.


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 19 november 2018

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